What to do to take care of your eyes during continuous screen work

What to do to take care of your eyes during continuous screen work

I work constantly staring at the screen.  Here's what you need to do to take care of your eyes during this time.  Most of the tasks of daily life have become dependent on technology these days.  Due to which many of us have to work on the computer continuously for a long time.  In this case, there is naturally a lot of pressure on the eyes.  So you can do some exercise in a few seconds between work to keep your eye health good.  These are all eye exercises.  That is, you may not even have to get up from the computer.  But you will get some eye relief.  These eye exercises are very effective for those who have to work on the computer most of the day.

Find out what you can do to relieve your eyes during work-

Eye Rolling

It means to move the position of the eyeball from side to side.  It is necessary to rotate the eyeball both clockwise and counter-clockwise.  This exercise reduces eye stress and keeps the eyes lubricated.  That is, the eyes do not dry out.  So do this practice sometimes in between work.  Never rub or rub your eyes if they feel irritated or dry.  It can cause serious eye damage.  Instead, wash your eyes with water.  Be careful in this case too.  A strong splash of water can cause eye damage.

Give warm touch to the eyes

Rub the palms together and warm them.  Then put the hot steam on the closed eyes.  You will feel relaxed, less stress.  It relaxes the muscles around the eyes and relaxes you.  So do this several times to remove eye fatigue.

Focus Shifting

Instead of constantly looking at the computer screen, it is necessary to occasionally look here and there.  It is necessary to shift one's vision or focus even for a few seconds.  In this case, it is better to look at something far away.  This exercise will reduce eye stress.  Sometimes it is necessary to get up from work and wash the eyes with water.  Sometimes even closing your eyes for a short period of time will bring benefits.

Eye 20-20-20 Rule

This exercise is very effective for those who have to work on the computer continuously for a long time.  Every 20 minutes between work, look at an object 20 feet away for 20 seconds.  You can do this exercise without getting up from work.  This practice needs to be followed regularly.  Then you will get all benefits and comfort.  Continuous viewing of the screen can cause eye irritation, itching, eye pain etc.  In that case this practice will come in handy.

Eye Blink

Blinking is also an eye exercise.  In this case, open and close the eyelids simultaneously for 20 seconds.  It may sound like you are talking about blinking.  But that is not the point.  By doing this exercise, the lubrication of the eyes will be good, the eyes will not be dry, they will remain moist.

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